27 July 2011

Liverpool Tate.

I'm eager to go to Liverpool Tate sometime soon, before october, to see the work of Robert Therrien. His work is related to scale which is something I can relate to, whereby i choose to work with small scale and Therrien works on the opposite end, producing huge pieces of furniture and household items. So i'm really excited to visit the gallery and get some more inspiration!

Emily Carew Woodard

Future prospects.

I'm looking for some work placements at the moment, i need something to get me out there in the arts world, and find what i'd like to do.


I'm really stuck with my dissertation...i'm getting really frustrated, because i'm constantly forcing myself to think of ideas. I've come to the conclusion that the only way I'm going to come up with a subject is to draw up a map of all my interests and then research through them, and hopefully i'll fall upon something which I have a passion to write about.

25 July 2011


i get paid on friday! and i need to buy some little minature people for my garden scenes, so i will be going to modelzone in Manchester down on Deansgate, which is a shop which sells everything needed to create minature models..it's AMAZING!!!!

24 July 2011

secret garden.

I haven't had internet in my flat for like 2 weeks, so it's good to have it back because i want to post some of my new ideas up here!

manchester museum!

i went for a little visit to the museum about a week ago and reallyyyy enjoyed it! I know it's awfull, but i've not actually been to the museum in the 3 years i've been living in Manchester! i've always had an interest in history and i'm really fascinated with things which are dated so far back, i think its crazy how they have been kept in such good condition.
The mummies were the thing that shocked me the most, you could actually see their old rotting body casts peaking out from under the 'mummy bandaging', it was all a bit eariee. My favourite part of the museum was the taxidermy upstairs, it was a real pleasant suprise for me because i had no idea there was taxidermy displayed in there! it gave me good inspiration and kind of put a few things into perspective, making me realise that i really do have a fascination for animal/charcter scenario's, because i was immediately attracted to the stiffed animals and thinking of ideas for my work. That evening i went back home and experimented with my ideas, and i'm excited about the prospects.